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Have you ever joined us for our PHYSICAL gathering? If not, what are you waiting for?! Our Sunday Prophetic, Healing and Deliverance Gathering PHYSICALLY at: Vincent Street Canning Town E16 1LZ OR ONLINE: @ApostolicTV

On Sunday 16th July 2023 hosted by our Serving Senior Pastor - Apostle John and First Lady Prophetess Josephine Enumah with the citizens of The Haven UK we had a grand time basking in the presence of the Lord. We experienced a POWERFUL move of the Holy Ghost also a heartfelt and befitting rendition of I AM COMPLETE in this month of JULY - the month of Completion and Perfection by Grace Throne Worshippers.

Apostle John expound on the scriptural text for the month of JULY - Genesis chapter 1; diving deeper into the verses 3,6,9,11,14,20,24,26, 29 that speak on the creation of the world; everything was spoken into existence with the exception of women. Each verse sates "And GOD Said . We understand that the tongue is the smallest part in the body use for articulating speech, tasting and swallowing but the most deadliest. The tongue carries a FIRE that can make your life like heaven or hell. It can be utilised bring articulation to everything that manifests in your life.

The bible tells us that the tongue cannot be tamed, it is unruly and evil full of deadly poison - death and life is in the power of the tongue. Apostle warned us not to live life carelessly by thinking we do not have an enemy because there is always someone speaking against your life. You have the duty of care to speak into existence your desires, given the first gift you receive when you are BORN AGAIN is a new tongue from GOD.

The TONGUES we learnt about and how they impact our lives are :

THE TONGUE OF MEN - no matter how well spoken a man is at speaking a foreign accent/native language it tells you where they are from especially when under pressure - the tongue of man is determined by the culture of the Man.

THE TONGUE OF THE WICKED - This tongue speaks poison. Spiritually this is the tongue of enchantment - James 3:6 "And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell ". There is someone that is always speaking against your life. Reject the tongue of wickedness because when you carry a great destiny wickedness will target you.

THE TONGUE OF FIRE - stems from the gifts of tongue - Acts 2:3 "And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them ". For you to bring down an eternal enemy against your life you must change from the tongue of man, rejecting the tongue of wickedness and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost; this tongue cannot be understood and its a gift of mysteries.

The TONGUE OF THE SPIRIT - articulates the voice of God in you, your tongue cannot speak power into existence without the source of power and the Holy Ghost.

Here are some prayers to engage at home and you will see the evidence thereof :

Heavenly Father, as I begin to pray, Oh Lord I refuse to leave here today, without a revelation that changes my life, that perfects me; let there be an utterance backed by the Holy Ghost that shifts my life to a glorious dimension in the name of a Jesus !

Heavenly Father, as I begin to pray, Oh Lord every imperfection in my life; by the reason of the word of God this day I am made perfect in the name of Jesus !

Heavenly Father, as I begin to pray, Oh Lord my life shall not be an abandon project; complete every good thing you have started in my life in the name of Jesus !!

Heavenly Father, as I begin to pray, Oh Lord make me a man of high importance and value in my generation, in the name of Jesus !

You have gotten the meat of the message but don't miss out the REAL nuggets by clicking on the following video that leads you to APOSTOLICTV - our Official YouTube platform!

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